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One-Time Bonuses and Items
Rank Extra's
Unlocked Commands and Perks

- $10,000
- 5,000 EXP
- Homes: 4 (/sethome)
- Extra Daily Scroll Purchase
- Player Vaults: 1 (/pv 1)
- 10% McMMO XP Boost
- Exclusive Starter Island
- Auction Slots: 4 (/ah)
- Auction Expiration Time: 4 Days (/ah)
- Fishing Bag Rows: 2 (/fishingbag open)
- Access to Chat Emojis (/emojis)
- Head Database Categories: Animals (/hdb)
- Cool Rank Prefix in Chat
- Crab Kit (Sharpness 3, Fortune 3, Protection 4)
Diamond sword - Sharpness III, Unbreaking III
Diamond pickaxe - Unbreaking III, Fortune III, Efficiency IV
Diamond axe - Unbreaking III, Fortune III, Efficiency IV
Diamond Shovel - Unbreaking III, Fortune III, Efficiency IV
Diamond hoe - Unbreaking III, Fortune III, Efficiency IV
2x Enchanted golden apples
8x golden apples
64x grass blocks
64x stone blocks
64x oak logs
16x steak
Diamond boots - unbreaking III, Protection IV
Diamond leggings - unbreaking III, Protection IV
Diamond chestplate - unbreaking III, Protection IV
Diamond helmet - unbreaking III, Protection IV
- Change your nickname (/nick)
- Set any block as your hat (/hat)
- Put your XP in a bottle (/xpbottle [<25,000])
- See in the dark (/nightvision)
- Remote crafting (/craft)
- Delete everything from your inventory (/clearinv)
- Teleport back to your last location (/back)
- Chat colours: Gray, Gold & Green (/chatcolour)
- Nick colours: White, Gold & Green (/nickcolour)
- Cosmetics: Watermelon Backpack & Bunny Ears (/warp boutique)
- Extra Tag: Megalodon Tag (/tags)

- $15,000
- 7,500 EXP
- Homes: 5 (/sethome)
- Extra Daily Scroll Purchase
- Player Vaults: 2 (/pv 1)
- 10% McMMO XP Boost
- Exclusive Starter Island
- Auction Slots: 5 (/ah)
- Auction Expiration Time: 5 Days (/ah)
- Fishing Bag Rows: 3 (/fishingbag open)
- Access to Chat Emojis (/emojis)
- Head Database Categories: Animals, Food & Drinks and Monsters (/hdb)
- Cool Rank Prefix in Chat
- Access to [inv]
- Portable wardrobe (/wardrobe)
- Siren Kit (Sharpness 4, Fortune 4, Protection 5
Diamond sword - unbreaking IV, Sharpness IV
Diamond pickaxe - unbreaking IV, Fortune IV, Efficiency V
Diamond axe - unbreaking IV, Fortune IV, Efficiency V
Diamond shovel - unbreaking IV, Fortune IV, Efficiency V
Diamond hoe - unbreaking IV, Fortune IV, Efficiency V
64x Quartz block
64x coal
64 copper ingot
4x enchanted golden apples
16x golden apples
32x steaks
Diamond boots - unbreaking IV, Protection V
Diamond leggings - unbreaking IV, Protection V
Diamond chestplate - unbreaking IV, Protection V
Diamond helmet - unbreaking IV, Protection V
- Change your nickname (/nick)
- Set any block as your hat (/hat)
- Put your XP in a bottle (/xpbottle [<50,000])
- See in the dark (/nightvision)
- Remote crafting (/craft)
- Delete everything from your inventory (/clearinv)
- Teleport back to your last location (/back)
- See when a player was last online (/seen)
- Feed yourself (/feed)
- Change your own in game time (/ptime [time])
- Rename items (/rename [name])
- Remote Enderchest (/enderchest)
- Disable teleport requests (/tptoggle)
- Shoot cats at players! (/kittycannon)
- Chat colours: Gray, Gold, Green, Dark Gray, Blue & Cyan (/chatcolour)
- Nick colours: White, Gold, Green Dark Gray, Blue & Cyan (/nickcolour)
- Cosmetics: Watermelon Backpack, Bunny Ears, Orange Helmet and Bee Nest (/warp boutique)
- Extra Tags: Megalodon Tag & Mermaid Tag (/tags)
- Glow Colours: Yellow & Dark Purple (glow)

- $20,000
- 10,000 EXP
- Homes: 6 (/sethome)
- Extra Daily Scroll Purchase
- Player Vaults: 4 (/pv 1)
- 25% McMMO XP Boost
- Exclusive Starter Island
- Auction Slots: 7 (/ah)
- Auction Expiration Time: 7 Days (/ah)
- Fishing Bag Rows: 4 (/fishingbag open)
- Access to Chat Emojis (/emojis)
- Head Database Categories: Animals, Food & Drinks, Monsters, Alphabet & Miscellaneous (/hdb)
- Cool Rank Prefix in Chat
- Access to [inv]
- Portable wardrobe (/wardrobe)
- Fly around the world! (/fly)
- Make yourself a disposal sign
- Coloured signs
- Phantom Kit (Sharpness 5, Fortune 5, Protection 6)
Diamond sword - unbreaking V, sweeping edge I, sharpness V, fire aspect I
Diamond pickaxe - unbreaking V, fortune V, Efficiency VI
Diamond axe - unbreaking V, fortune V, Efficiency VI
Diamond shovel - unbreaking V, fortune V, Efficiency VI
Diamond hoe - unbreaking V, fortune V, Efficiency VI
64x Sea lantern
64x redstone dust
64x iron ingots
48x steak
6x enchanted golden apples
24x golden apples
Diamond helmet - protection VI, unbreaking V, aqua affinity I
Diamond leggings & chestplate - unbreaking V, protection VI
Diamond boots - unbreaking V, Protection VI, soul speed I, depth strider I
- Change your nickname (/nick)
- Set any block as your hat (/hat)
- Put your XP in a bottle (/xpbottle [<100,000])
- See in the dark (/nightvision)
- Remote crafting (/craft)
- Delete everything from your inventory (/clearinv)
- Teleport back to your last location (/back)
- See when a player was last online (/seen)
- Feed yourself (/feed)
- Change your own in game time (/ptime [time])
- Rename items with colours (/rename [name])
- Remote Enderchest (/enderchest)
- Disable teleport requests (/tptoggle)
- Shoot cats at players! (/kittycannon)
- Change your own in game weather (/pweather [weather])
- Check which players are near you (/near)
- Turn ingots into blocks (/condense)
- Remote anvil (/anvil)
- Remove smithing table (/smithingtable)
- Repair items (/fix)
- Travel with the speed of light! (/speed [1-10])
- Chat colours: Gray, Gold, Green, Dark Gray, Blue, Cyan, Yellow, Pink, Dark Blue & Mossy-Cobble (/chatcolour)
- Nick colours: White, Gold, Green Dark Gray, Blue, Cyan, Yellow, Pink, Dark Blue & Forest (/nickcolour)
- Cosmetics: Watermelon Backpack, Bunny Ears, Orange Helmet, Bee Nest, Avocado Backpack & Big Pirate Headband (/warp boutique)
- Extra Tags: Megalodon Tag, Mermaid Tag & Parrot Tag (/tags)
- Glow Colours: Yellow, Dark Purple, Aqua, Gold & Green (glow)

- $25,000
- 15,000 EXP
- Homes: 7 (/sethome)
- Extra Daily Scroll Purchase
- Player Vaults: 5 (/pv 1)
- 25% McMMO XP Boost
- Exclusive Starter Island
- Auction Slots: 8 (/ah)
- Auction Expiration Time: 10 Days (/ah)
- Fishing Bag Rows: 5 (/fishingbag open)
- Access to Chat Emojis (/emojis)
- Head Database Categories: All (/hdb)
- Cool Rank Prefix in Chat
- Access to [inv]
- Portable wardrobe (/wardrobe)
- Fly around the world! (/fly)
- Make yourself a disposal sign
- Coloured & Formatted signs
- Phantom Kit (Sharpness 6, Fortune 6, Protection 7)
Diamond sword - unbreaking VI, sweeping edge II, sharpness VI, Fire aspect II
Diamond pickaxe - Unbreaking VI, Fortune V, Efficiency VII
Diamond axe - Unbreaking VI, Fortune V, Efficiency VII
Diamond shovel - Unbreaking VI, Fortune V, Efficiency VII
Diamond hoe - Unbreaking VI, Fortune V, Efficiency VII
4x campfire
64x diamond
64x gold ingot
8x enchanted golden apples
32x golden apples
64x steak
Diamond boots - unbreaking VI, Soul speed, protection VII, depth strider II
Diamond leggings - Unbreaking VI, protection VII
Diamond chestplate - Unbreaking VI, protection VII
Diamond helmet - Unbreaking VI, protection VII, respiration II, aqua affinity I
- Change your nickname (/nick)
- Set any block as your hat (/hat)
- Put your XP in a bottle (/xpbottle [<500,000])
- See in the dark (/nightvision)
- Remote crafting (/craft)
- Delete everything from your inventory (/clearinv)
- Teleport back to your last location (/back)
- See when a player was last online (/seen)
- Feed yourself (/feed)
- Change your own in game time (/ptime [time])
- Rename items with colours (/rename [name])
- Remote Enderchest (/enderchest)
- Disable teleport requests (/tptoggle)
- Shoot cats at players! (/kittycannon)
- Change your own in game weather (/pweather [weather])
- Check which players are near you (/near)
- Turn ingots into blocks (/condense)
- Remote anvil (/anvil)
- Remove smithing table (/smithingtable)
- Repair items (/fix)
- Travel with the speed of light! (/speed [1-10])
- Change the lore of an item (/relore [name])
- Teleport to the top of your island (/top)
- Shoot bees at players! (/beezooka)
- Heal yourself (/heal)
- Chat colours: Gray, Gold, Green, Dark Gray, Blue, Cyan, Yellow, Pink, Dark Blue, Mossy-Cobble, Red, Lime, Purple, Chorus & Raw Copper (/chatcolour)
- Nick colours: White, Gold, Green Dark Gray, Blue, Cyan, Yellow, Pink, Dark Blue, Forest, Red, Lime, Purple, Glowstone & Amethyst (/nickcolour)
- Cosmetics: Watermelon Backpack, Bunny Ears, Orange Helmet, Bee Nest, Avocado Backpack, Big Pirate Headband, Hard Hat, Rabbit Backpack & Amogus Backpack (/warp boutique)
- Extra Tags: Megalodon Tag, Mermaid Tag, Parrot Tag & Octopus Tag (/tags)
- Glow Colours: Yellow, Dark Purple, Aqua, Gold, Green, Blue, Red & Dark Gray (/glow)

- $30,000
- 20,000 EXP
- Homes: 8 (/sethome)
- Extra Daily Scroll Purchase
- Player Vaults: 8 (/pv 1)
- 50% McMMO XP Boost
- Exclusive Starter Island
- Auction Slots: 10 (/ah)
- Auction Expiration Time: 14 Days (/ah)
- Fishing Bag Rows: 6 (/fishingbag open)
- Access to Chat Emojis (/emojis)
- Head Database Categories: All (/hdb)
- Cool Rank Prefix in Chat
- Access to [inv]
- Portable wardrobe (/wardrobe)
- Fly around the world! (/fly)
- Make yourself a disposal sign
- Coloured & Formatted signs
- Keep XP on Death
- Phantom Kit (Sharpness 7, Fortune 7, Protection 8)
Netherite sword - Unbreaking VII, sweeping edge III, sharpness VII, Fire aspect III
Netherite pickaxe - unbreaking VII, fortune V, Efficiency VII
Netherite axe - unbreaking VII, fortune V, Efficiency VII
Netherite shovel - unbreaking VII, fortune V, Efficiency VII
Netherite hoe - unbreaking VII, fortune V, Efficiency VII
4x soul campfire
64x emerald
40x golden apples
10x enchanted golden apples
64x steak
Netherite boots - unbreaking VII, protection VIII, depth strider III, soul speed III
Netherite leggings - unbreaking VII, protection VIII,
Netherite chestplate - unbreaking VII, protection VIII,
Netherite helmet - unbreaking VII, protection VIII, respiration III, aqua affinity I
- Change your nickname (/nick)
- Set any block as your hat (/hat)
- Put your XP in a bottle (/xpbottle [unlimited])
- See in the dark (/nightvision)
- Remote crafting (/craft)
- Delete everything from your inventory (/clearinv)
- Teleport back to your last location (/back)
- See when a player was last online (/seen)
- Feed yourself (/feed)
- Change your own in game time (/ptime [time])
- Rename items with colours (/rename [name])
- Remote Enderchest (/enderchest)
- Disable teleport requests (/tptoggle)
- Shoot cats at players! (/kittycannon)
- Change your own in game weather (/pweather [weather])
- Check which players are near you (/near)
- Turn ingots into blocks (/condense)
- Remote anvil (/anvil)
- Remove smithing table (/smithingtable)
- Repair items (/fix)
- Travel with the speed of light! (/speed [1-10])
- Change the lore of an item with colours (/relore [name])
- Teleport to the top of your island (/top)
- Shoot bees at players! (/beezooka)
- Heal yourself (/heal)
- Shoot fireworks! (/firework)
- Repair all your items (/fix all)
- Become god himself (/god)
- Chat colours: Gray, Gold, Green, Dark Gray, Blue, Cyan, Yellow, Pink, Dark Blue, Mossy-Cobble, Red, Lime, Purple, Chorus, Raw Copper Dark Red, Aqua, Black, Magma, White and Glazed Terracotta (/chatcolour)
- Nick colours: White, Gold, Green Dark Gray, Blue, Cyan, Yellow, Pink, Dark Blue, Forest, Red, Lime, Purple, Glowstone, Amethyst, Dark Red, Aqua, Black, Rose & Ocean (/nickcolour)
- Cosmetics: Watermelon Backpack, Bunny Ears, Orange Helmet, Bee Nest, Avocado Backpack, Big Pirate Headband, Hard Hat, Rabbit Backpack, Amogus Backpack, Strawberry Backpack, Locomotive Balloon & Pirate Hat (/warp boutique)
- Extra Tags: Megalodon Tag, Mermaid Tag, Parrot Tag, Octopus Tag & Gyarados Tag (/tags)
- Glow Colours: Yellow, Dark Purple, Aqua, Gold, Green, Blue, Red, Dark Gray, Rainbow, Nebula & Blink mode (/glow)